• cmielke@e2monline.com

Management Systems

What is a Management System?

By definition, a management system is set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization used to establish policies and objectives and processes in order to achieve those objectives.

Management system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning and operation, performance evaluation and improvement.

Why a Management System?

With the help of E2M’s highly qualified and competent staff’s RAPID approach for development and implementation your management system will:

  • Recognize critical/key processes within your organization in order to control and monitor process inputs resulting in repeatable and conforming outputs
  • Allow you to manage changes affecting your organization in order to promote continuous improvement at all levels in the organization while maintaining your bottom line and compliance status
  • Proactively identify, evaluate, correct and prevent recurrence of non-conforming situations that could negatively affect your organization’s mission and vision.
  • Improve your organization’s ability for compliance with applicable legal, statutory and other requirements subscribed to
  • Determine the necessary procedures and mechanisms to ensure effectiveness in meeting desired outcomes

Why E2M?

E2M’s extensive experience in Water Stewardship,  Environmental, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety, Energy, Quality and Electronic Waste Management Systems is defined by:

  • Conducting over 400 2nd– and 3rd-party management system audits
  • Participation in the development of the ISO 14001 series of standards for Environmental Management as a voting member and designated expert of the US TAG/TC 207
  • Assessing competency and conformity of Registrars (i.e. Certification Bodies) and their audit staff
  • Providing different levels of assistance of management system implementation to match your technical, financial and human resource needs
  • Maintaining up-to-date Lead Auditor credentials for our employees